
Chrysanthemum Exhibition

Hi,everyone! It's me!! we have sunny good day today...

It just has been held a Chrysanthemum Exhibition. So why dont you come with me and enjoy it?

very large flowers

Every flowers looks very excellent and beautiful.

Aren't they so rare ones ? large flowers too!!

Ordinarily elderly people love plantation of them.
They are given great prizes and awards.

How do you enjoy?

 also..you can see a small castle over there...it is a spot of this city.

Hope you enjoy it.Have a nice week end!!
See you next week!

7 件のコメント:

Michela さんのコメント...

Hi Mami!
I will show your pictures to my mum, as your varieties of Chrysanthemums are very unusual here! Have a lovely weekend!

Tracey さんのコメント...

oooo, I could almost smell them...beautiful! xxx

Floss さんのコメント...

They are wonderful! I love exhibitions like that, where people bring together the results of their hard work. Thank you for another glimpse of Japan.

Janie さんのコメント...

What amazing chrysanthemums of so many varieties! A lovely showing. I like the photo of the house and grounds, too.

Unknown さんのコメント...

So very beautiful - unusual varieties too. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend :-)

JuanitaTortilla さんのコメント...

Those are really very large and wonderful Chrysanthemums, Mami. I find them very unusual and lovely at the same time. Thanks for taking us with you :)

RNSANE さんのコメント...

My goodness, Mami, this is the most beautiful display of mums I have ever seen - some of them are so unusual. Incredible!