
White Elephant Swap

Amazing!! Just received this wonderful presents from Della in USA on White Elephant Swap this afternoon.

A wonderful chic scarf with fringe
And gorgeous pierced earrings
With lovely message card

I love them all.Thank you so much.

And it is thankful to Juanita's organizations on this swapping. How exciting untill i recieved a parcel who would send me.


12 件のコメント:

JuanitaTortilla さんのコメント...

Oh wow, Mami! I think you chose the perfect mystery package eh!!! I am so glad you found this swap exciting :)

Michela さんのコメント...

Hi Mami!
What a lovely white elephant gift you got from Della! Juanita has such a big brain ,eh?!

Tracey さんのコメント...

That's lovely Mami! It's so nice to receive gifts isn't it?! xxxxxxxxx

zsazsazsu さんのコメント...

Very nice swap !The present travelled a long way and came in very quickly ! 2 cultures swapping !
Great !

bubble さんのコメント...

Oh how nice! lovely gifts xxx

Unknown さんのコメント...

Wow!! Just like Christmas again :-)

TK さんのコメント...

What a lovely gift! You are very lucky. Before this you got an award. Then u got a lovely swap! Great!!

joo さんのコメント...

Beautiful gift Mami - it's nice to get gifts, isn't it?
As for haiku, I'm not a poet as you know,but there are probably the same roules in every language - 5/7/5 syllabous. I would like to be able to write!!!
Joo xxx

Olga さんのコメント...

Wonderful! I was also going to take part but finally missed it :(

Janie さんのコメント...

What a wonderful surprise. All the items look lovely.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Beautiful gifts :o)
You have a Lovely blog, it's really nice to meet You xxx

Unknown さんのコメント...

Yay! I'm so glad you liked them!